The dismal tale of blood, cat and Love

​The unlit Chandelier feels heavier and misused,

Then unwashed tablecloth rottening and bruised. 

The leaking water tap of the kitchen demands a doctor, 

The soup that was to be prepared lays stagnant and unstirred. 

The windows unlatched creak and creak,

While the curtains hover adding dismal notes to silence.

The spilled blood now dried have crisped the bed sheet, 

The smell of it so pungent,  the cat growls and blinks. 

The curious neighbors question the uninvited newspapers at the door, 

The milkman frowns to his unanswered calls. 

The cat looks reduced, unfed and unkept

Meowing and meowing to awaken the dead. 

The cat owner does not respond with slits and blood all over

Yet the cat keeps meowing and attempts to reignite her. 

8 thoughts on “The dismal tale of blood, cat and Love

    1. Accept my apology please. I am bad at commenting and not a fan of social networking. And beacuse of my disinterest, I don’t have this habit of commenting so frequently. But I take a pledge today to change this habit and comment more on the posts that won my heart.
      Have a good day Sir. 🌻😇

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I Accept
        I do not expect you from being away from commenting. You just now commented so well on my post.
        Let me tell you, it is a “Comment of Kind”.
        So do not deprive yourself from that. Its your talent.
        As far as the social networking I understand. You need not be a fan.
        I have adopted it in a different way. I post once a week and some times one single post shall run for a fortnight. Meanwhile I keep visiting other friends’blogs, when I have the time. You need not be a freak.
        You owe to break it. It is very good.I am glad.
        Let everything good shower on YOU.

        Liked by 1 person

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