
I scramble out of the bed to find the curtains dancing wild,

The wind chimes singing the monsoon song

And the wind whooshing in style. 

The heat and stickiness of the midday

Vaporised into dark cotton balls in the sky,

Soft soothing sea breeze bringing comfort to the soul,

The sea waves celebrating the victorious folds. 
The coconut trees hula dancing,

Welcoming the first shower of the season.

Birds seeking shelter in the forbidden tiny cracks,

The leaves dripping wet,

Breathing in life overcoming death. 
Every time it rains

Every particle of my presence hula dances along the wind,

The darker the sky

The more intense the artistry of universe I feel. 

Every time it rains

The writer in me jumps back to life,

Brewing new art in a piece of paper,

Appreciating the heirlooms of the infinite cosmos every single time. 

9 thoughts on “Monsoon 

  1. Yaa I missed those .. old days at my traditional home where we used to have many trees and all and it was very much beautiful when it rains .. now living in concrete structure won’t gave you any feeling at all ..😅

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